Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Does Blepharoplasty Surgery Give Permanent Results?

Blepharoplasty is the procedure that removes excess tissue on the top and the bottom of the eyelids. Eye bags and dropping eyelids can make some people look older than they really are. It can even affect vision, in some cases. Blepharoplasty is the solution to this persistent problem and is recommended especially for patients whose quality of life are affected by their condition. If you are interested in blepharoplasty in London then you are probably wondering if its results are permanent.

The answer is yes—the results of blepharoplasty in the UK are permanent. The tissues removed from this procedure will not come back and form eye bags again. The result is the same for upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, or the combination of both. The tissues are completely eradicated from the body.

But this does not mean that blepharoplasty will stop you from aging. Your body will continue to change throughout the years. Blepharoplasty in the UK—when performed by experienced and trained doctors—can have amazing and wonderful results. But the procedure cannot control the way your body ages. Over time, the skin around the eyes and the face inevitably change, forming lines and wrinkles.

Blepharoplasty is a procedure not just for aesthetic purposes. It can also be done to restore the vision of people with naturally drooping eyelids. If you have this problem, then the good news is that you can rely on blepharoplasty to correct this condition and give you long-lasting results.

Generally, a conservative estimate for the effects of blepharoplasty is ten to fifteen years. But based on the experiences of most doctors, results last a lifetime and patients only need one blepharoplasty procedure. Some patients do come back for retouching, but most patients never need to have a second blepharoplasty procedure performed on them again. 

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