Tuesday, 16 January 2018

All You Need to Know about Gynaecomastia Surgery in London

For men, having large breasts (informally known as man boobs) can be a huge problem. This condition can damage their self-esteem and cause them always to feel conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, so-called man boobs can now be treated with gynecomastia surgery in London. This procedure is specifically for male patients who suffer from large or uneven breasts due to hormonal imbalances and rapid weight loss.

How is it done?

Gynaecomastia surgery removes the excessive tissues (including fat and skin) in the male breasts through an incision. The chest is also tightened in the process to make it more symmetrical and appear more masculine. The nipple is repositioned, too.

What happens after the surgery?

Like other cosmetic surgeries, male breast reduction involves a recovery period. The patient must rest for at least six weeks, avoiding exercise and other strenuous activities until the wounds completely heal. The stitches slowly dissolve within the first three weeks.

What are the possible risks and complications of gynecomastia surgery in London?

Patients may feel discomfort because of scars and bruises. Some people develop an infection after the surgery. Risks and complications are not the same for every patient—some may experience them while others won't. To avoid them, patients must diligently follow the doctor’s instruction and take medications as ordered. Those who are considering this treatment must trust only qualified surgeons who have extensive experience in the field and are highly recommended by their patients.

Are you thinking of getting a man boob surgery? There is no shame in undergoing gynecomastia surgery in London to fix your problem. This condition is more prevalent than you think—and you are probably not alone. Educating yourself about this type of surgery and sitting down with a surgeon for consultation can help you decide if it is something you want to do.

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