Thursday, 12 July 2018

All You Need to Know About Silicone Breast Implants in Birmingham

Are you thinking of adding volume to your chest? It’s important to take time to research about breast implants in Birmingham so you can make an informed decision.

One of the basics that you must know is that there are two common types of breast implants: silicone and saline. Both types are used for breast augmentation or for enhancing the breast's size and shape. Both are also inserted in the front or behind the chest muscles by creating incisions in the breasts. You many have come across information that silicone implants are better than saline implants—and this is true in many ways.  

Silicone implants come pre-filled and are inserted as it is. Surgeons have to make large incisions in order to insert them properly. On the other hand, saline implants are partially-filled. Once they are inserted in the breast, the surgeon will increase the amount of sterile saltwater solution during the operation. Thus, surgeons make only small incisions when inserting saline implants.

But despite the large wound that silicone implants require, some doctors and patients are still convinced that they are better than saline implants. The following are the reasons for this:

· Silicone implants feel more natural - Saline implants can be overly firm sometimes, which make them feel fake. Meanwhile, silicone gel closely resembles the softness of a natural breast tissue.

·  Silicone implants are less prone to leakage and ruptures - Silicone implants have cohesive gels that are intact. They don't easily get ruptured. Even if one of your implants does burst, you won't notice the difference immediately.

· Silicone implants appear better - Unlike saline implants, silicone implants are less likely to wrinkle or ripple under the skin over time. They blend naturally with the breasts, too.

Getting silicone breast implants in Birmingham is generally more expensive. For this reason, you must ensure that your breast augmentation procedure leads to optimum results. You can do this by picking a highly qualified surgeon or a top cosmetic surgery clinic in the area.

3 Signs That You Need a Dermal Fillers Treatment in Birmingham

There are many types of cosmetic treatments available these days for people who want to alleviate the signs of ageing, and dermal fillers in Birmingham are hogging the spotlight. A number of popular celebrities swear by this procedure, saying that it is their weapon of choice in the battle with wrinkles.

However, it is important to clarify that fillers cannot ‘erase’ all types of facial lines. In fact, dermal fillers cannot treat ‘mimic lines,’ which are formed due to constant muscle movement or facial expressions. The wrinkles between your eyebrows and on your forehead (also called worry lines) are some examples of mimic lines. Your doctor may recommend Botox for dealing with them.

So how can you tell if you need to get dermal fillers in Birmingham or if you should get Botox instead? The answer really depends on what type of facial lines you want to treat.

1. Static Lines

Dermal fillers are the best solution for eliminating ‘static lines’ or visible wrinkles that are evident even when you are not moving your face. These wrinkles develop on their own with aging due to loss of volume. By injecting dermal fillers in areas where static wrinkles are, your face can appear smoother and younger.

2. Gravitational Folds

Examples of gravitational folds are marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and drooping upper eyelids. Like static lines, these wrinkles develop as people age and lose fat in the face. The continuous loss of volume can lead to folds or sags. To treat these wrinkles, dermal fillers are injected beneath the fold.

3. Wrinkles on other parts of the body

Dermal fillers are not only used for the face but also for the other parts of the body. Some kinds of dermal fillers are used for eliminating hand wrinkles as well as visible veins.

While dermal fillers treatment is not as complex as the other types of cosmetic surgery, it’s still better to have an experienced surgeon perform this treatment on you. This way, you can expect optimum results.